Antique Brass Industrial Pendant Fixture Only -3-1/4" UNO Fitter Shade Holder

Chapter 4: The Pantry
I’ve dreamed of having a large pantry since moving into our first apartment. We had an actual pantry in that house, which was amazing, but it was small and collected a lot of miscellaneous stuff. Which is what a pantry is for, really. So when I first saw the Hamilton House pantry I was excited! Then I looked more closely and I was dejected. The room was painted electric blue with white trim, the only room on the first floor with painted trim. Well, the kitchen trim was also painted, around the three doorways in there. The pantry had one original cabinet left in it, the remnants of another one were located in the basement – only two broken cabinet doors sadly. I’m guessing the room was renovated in the 1960’s when the kitchen was renovated. The windows are replacements and were also painted white. Here are a few photos of the room when we first saw it: