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Antique Lighting

Because we really REALLY dig antique lighting. And want you to as well.

How to Replace a Decorative Candle Cover

Replacing dirty or unattractive candle covers is an easy and relatively inexpensive way to really dress up a lamp or fixture. We've got a huge selection of candle covers in a variety of colors and sizes to suit every restoration project.

Posted on Categories : Candle Covers
A Brief History of the Push Button Light Switch

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, fumbling for a light in a dark room was a common household annoyance. When incandescent light bulbs first appeared in Victorian homes, they still had to be switched on individually like the oil and gas lamps that preceded them. John Homes, a prolific English inventor of early electrical systems, solved this problem when he created the quick-break push button light switch in 1884. This switch allowed people to turn on their lights from an easy-to-reach location, in a hallway or room entrance.