Howard Leather Cleaner-Natural - 16 oz trigger spray
All Natural Cleaner!
This Leather Cleaner contains mild soaps and surfactants that gently remove dirt, grime and other stains from leather. The all natural ingredients in this cleaner are alkaline-free and pH balanced, making it safe on stitching. Use this cleaner on interior leather surfaces, leather furniture, automotive leather, leather luggage, shoes, even vinyl or plastic!
01 Sep 2018
Cleaning out the house was a monumental task. There was a ton of stuff left in the house, a sort-of gift from the previous owner who knew we would be using the house as a furnished rental so they figured we could use some of the stuff. True, glassware and some of the dishes and kitchen ware was perfectly usable after being cleaned. Less usable were the televisions in each room (and they cost $15 to dispose of), the reptile tank (sold it for $50) and the filthy chest freezer left in the pantry (scrappers grabbed it off the porch).
Posted on Categories :
Cleaning & Restoration
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